Your Weekly Dose of “Feel Good” Calgary News

Best of Calgary is a celebration of the people, places and voices that make Calgary an amazing place to live and call home.

Written by: Kelsey Woods


This week, we showcase five outstanding individuals who showed compassion during this time of need and supported their community in the best ways they knew how. Whether they helped their neighbours stay active, provided education, comforted or lent a helping hand or ear, Calgarians have truly stepped up to help one another, no matter where their neighbours were at. 

If you know a business or individual who deserves a shout out, get your nominations in now as we only have a few weeks left before Best of Calgary kicks off again for another year. We want to celebrate all of those who helped get us through the 2020 global pandemic and come out stronger on the other side. Here are our top five picks of the week:

Susan Giesen

Susan is a fitness instructor and was greatly impacted by the current situation, as were countless fitness studios. Throughout the pandemic, she continued running her fitness classes from home at no charge, so that her clients could stay active and positive. Many of Susan's participants are seniors who greatly appreciated the opportunity to keep moving during these tough times.

Matt Strickland

Matt has gone above and beyond for his community since the beginning of COVID-19 in Calgary. He stepped up countless times to help out around his building, his neighbourhood and the city. Matt continues to assist neighbours with tasks to ensure that the older population is taken care of and don't expose themselves to increased risk. He is also a DJ, so to help spread positivity, Matt livestreams his music and also plays outside for the neighbours so they can dance in the backyard and have something fun to look forward to. 

Joshua Hebb, Hands-on Growing

Joshua is one individual who is constantly trying to improve the community. He has put in 10,000 hours over the last five years building Hands-on Growing, a company dedicated to encouraging people to grow food in their yards, at their schools, at seniors' homes and at hospitals. Joshua is always thinking about the most sustainable model and is actively teaching adults, kids, teens and seniors about the value of knowing the skills to grow your own food. Joshua, we are happy to recognize you as an outstanding Calgarian.

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Beverly Robertson

Perhaps Calgary's most missed activity during self-isolation, Beverly is a sought-after hairdresser. She is a dedicated, caring professional who always makes sure her clients get the haircut and style they want and deserve. Beverly, we have no doubt your hands will be full as soon as there's a green light.

Inga Gusarova, Dawn

Inga Gusarova, a local Calgarian, has volunteered her skills in therapy and telemedicine to give back to the community by partnering with a local start-up business, Dawn. This company matches people with compassionate therapists based on their needs, financial ability and location. During the pandemic, select therapists have been offering free virtual therapy sessions for front-line medical workers and staff in long-term care facilities, as well as reduced session costs for those facing distress due to the current situation. Dawn believes that Calgarians shouldn't have to sacrifice their mental health for their financial stability, therefore they work to partner people with the correct therapist for their needs. Inga has truly gone above and beyond to make sure that Calgarians are getting the care they need while navigating the difficulties of isolation. 

If you notice someone going above and beyond for their neighbours or spot a local business who has pivoted and provided for their community during these uncertain times, we want to know! Nominate these local heroes so we can give them a shout out and continue to spread positive news.

Kelsey Woods is the Content & Editorial Manager for Best of Calgary.

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