Best Filmmaker: Sandi Somers


Sandi Somers

Sandi Somers of Spring Street Films is a Best of Calgary regular, as she wins this category once again. Creating boutique moving pictures as a director, producer and writer since 2005, Sandi can be consulted on just about anything when it comes to the film industry. A native of Cape Breton Island and having resided in Calgary for decades now, Sandi is a true Calgary icon when it comes to filmmaking and locally-produced movies.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has put a halt to production on all films, so this has had a great impact on Sandi's day-to-day life. She is hopeful that the film industry will get moving again soon, and that she can get back to creating her art. As a filmmaker, Sandi has been discovering new ways to create work online and redirect the deliverables so that the show can go on. 

During this time, Sandi Somers asks that we watch locally-made films to help support our neighbours, whether they are made by Calgarians, Albertans or fellow Canadians. It is in times like this that we need to stand together. Much of Sandi’s work pulls from her interpretation of the challenges that come with human nature, the pursuit of uncovering truth and how we form connections in the 21st-century world - we can't wait to see what she comes up with next.